2017. június 08.
34 students of Mathematics and Computer Science and 2 professors from Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) will visit our institute on the 14th of June. Our institute will welcome them with two presentations (see the tentative program below). The program starts at 15:00 in room H607. The presentations are open for our students and colleagues too. Between and after the presentations there will be possibility for some informal discussion with our guests.
The Dutch organizing committee of the visit is the iCom (short for international Committee). The iCom organizes a studytrip to a city in Europe every year to get to know the city. This includes visiting some of the city's universities and companies. The committee belongs to the study association W.I.S.V. 'Christiaan Huygens', which is the study association of both Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences (https://ch.tudelft.nl/). This study association organizes all sorts of activities for the students and wants to improve the studies by evaluation.
Program (15:00, room H607)
15:00 : Welcome
15:10 : Milán Mosonyi: Non-local games and quantum mechanics
Can two players increase their chance of winning in a cooperative game by using random strategies? And by exploiting the laws of quantum mechanics? What types of randomness exist in Nature? These questions turn out to be intimately related to the foundations of quantum mechanics, and lead to deep (and unsolved) problems in mathematics. In this introductory talk we will explore these problems via concrete examples, and discuss some recent advances.
Break / discussions
16:40 : János Tóth (moderator of the 12 minutes talks): Applications of the Wolfram Language
1. Alex O. Nasli (Electrical Engineering Student, MSc, Budapest University of Technology and Economics): Parameter estimation of a pendulum using computer vision
Using computer vision methods, measurements are obtained from an image sequence of a swinging pendulum. Then using this data, parameters of the model (length of the pendulum and the friction coefficient) will be estimated.
2. Donát Takács (Mechatronical Engineering Student, BSc, Budapest University of Technology and Economics): Generating realistic plant structures algorithmically using open, stochastic Lindenmayer-systems
A plant can exhibit a remarkably efficient, and seemingly complex spatial structure. However, the shapes of the constituents can algorithmically be generated by a few simple rules, due to their self-similarity. This presentation gives an introduction to this field, by creating realistic three-dimensional models of trees using Lindenmayer systems.
3. Dániel Tihanyi (Mechatronical Engineering Student, BSc, Budapest University of Technology and Economics): Extending the measuring range of an optical sensor by using genetic algorithm
A sensor is able to measure extension in such a way that light is transmitted through a silicon cube, and the intensity of the light leaving the device is measured. If we deform the silicon cube the measured light intensity changes. We have measured the characteristics of the sensor by transmitting light at different wavelengths. The idea is putting more light sources onto the device and measure the intensity for each one at the same time. This will create a higher dimensional characteristic function between the measured intensity and the deformation of the silicon cube thus extending the measuring range of the sensor. A genetic algorithm is able to choose the right combination of light sources to be applied, and also to make the sensor smaller.
4. Rudolf Csikja (Electrical Engineer, MSc, Thyssenkrupp Presta Hungary Ltd.): Parameter estimation of differential equations
As an introduction I will show how to use Wolfram Mathematica to fit models given by an explicit formula. Multiple curves (array of curves) fitting will be also considered. Then I will give simple examples of parameter estimation of differential equations (ODEs and PDEs, as well).
17:30 : Closing / discussion