Formal reaction kinetics seminar

2019. 09. 19. 14:00
Gáspár Vilmos, Tóth János


Kedves Kollégák,


Szeptember 19-én csütörtökön 14 órakor lesz a Formális reakciókinetikai szeminárium első összejövetele a következő műsorral.

(Csak akkor megy angolul, ha van olyan résztvevő, aki nem tud magyarul.)

1. Vilmos Gáspár: KenFest - Symposium in Honor of Kenneth Showalter (Morgantown, WV, May 17, 2019)

In my Spring talk about "inverse quorum sensing in population of electrochemical oscillators", I have promised to report you about the symposium in honor of Kenneth Showalter's 70th birthday. The one day meeting was organized in Morgantown, WV with the following subtitle: The Interdisciplinary Impact of Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics". With this talk I will try to fulfill my promise (with lot of pictures). 

2. Other conferences of the past and future

3. Tóth János: Mass conservation; decomposition of overall reactions, strictly positive concentrations - A sketch on joint works with Béla Vizvári In reaction kinetics

Everybody interested is welcome.