Horváth Róbert

egyetemi docens
habilitált doktor
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Az alábbi tárgyakat gondozom és oktatom rendszeresen:

  • Numerikus módszerek
  • Numerikus módszerek 2 - parciális differenciálegyenletek numerikus módszerei
  • Numerikus számítások
  • Bevezetés a Matlab programozásba (digitális jelfeldolgozás)
  • Applied numerical methods with Matlab

Három egyetemi jegyzet készítésében vettem részt: Numerikus módszerek, Numerikus módszerek példatár, Parciális differenciálegyenletek numerikus megoldása.


BME TTK, Kar kiváló oktatója, 2015


Publikációk és hivatkozások:

Kutatási területem az alkalmazott analízis, különös tekintettel a numerikus analízisre. Főbb kutatási területem:

  • numerikus lineáris algebra
  • közönséges differenciálegyenletek numerikus megoldása
  • parciális differenciálegyenletek numerikus módszerei (parabolikus egyenletek numerikus megoldása, Maxwell-egyenletek numerikus megoldása, betegségterjedés, operátorszeletelés)
  • Matlab

Kutatási projektek:

Részletes publikációs lista és hivatkozások:

Publikációs lista és hivatkozások (pdf)

Kiemelt publikációk

  • Faragó I, Horváth R, On the Nonnegativity Conservation of Finite Element Solutions of Parabolic Problems Proc. Conf. Finite Element Methods: Three-Dimensional Problems eds. P. Neittaanmäki, M. Krizek GAKUTO Internat. Series Math. Sci. Appl., vol. 15, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 2001, 76-84. (2001)
  • Faragó I, Horváth R, Schilders W H A, Investigation of Numerical Time-Integrations of Maxwell’s Equations Using the Staggered Grid Spatial Discretization INT J NUMER MODEL ELECTRON NETWORK DEV 18: 149-169 (2005).
  • Faragó I, Horváth R, A Review of Reliable Numerical Methods for Three-Dimensional Parabolic Problems INT J NUMER METH ENG 70: 25-45 (2007).
  • Faragó I, Horváth R, On the Connections Between the Qualitative Properties of the Numerical Solutions of Linear Parabolic Problems SIAM J SCI COMPUT 28: 2316-2336 (2006).
  • Horváth R, On the Sign-Stability of Numerical Solutions of One-Dimensional Parabolic Problems APPL MATH MODEL 32(8): 1570-1578 (2008) DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2007.04.016.
  • Horváth R, New Unconditionally Stable Numerical Schemes for Maxwell’s Equations COMPUT SCI ENG 3(4): 271–276 (2007).
  • Faragó I, Horváth R, Korotov S, Discrete Maximum Principles for FE Solutions of Nonstationary Diffusion-Reaction Problems with Mixed Boundary Conditions NUMER METH PART D E 27 (3): 702–720 (2011), DOI: 10.1002/num.20547.
  • Havasi Á, Horváth R, Szabó T. Comparison of Some Parameter Estimation Techniques Applied to Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Models, J. FUEL CELL SCI TECHNOL 10(5) 051001 (2013), DOI: doi:10.1115/1.4025044.
  • Faragó I, Horváth R., On some qualitatively adequate discrete space-time models of epidemic propagation, J COMP APPL MATH 293 45–54 (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2015.03.030.
  • Svantnerné Sebestyén G., Faragó I, Horváth R., Kersner R., Klincsik M., Stability of patterns and of constant steady states for a cross-diffusion system, J COMP APPL MATH 293 208–216 (2016).



  • SEFI Annual Conference - Visions and Strategies for Europe, Czech Republik (Prague, 1994)
  • 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods, Hungary (Miskolc, 1994)
  • School on Numerical Simulation of PDE's: Methods, algorithms, applications, Italy (Trieste, 1996)
  • Second Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania (Illyefalva, 1997)
  • Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics, Hungary (Miskolc, 1998)
  • Conference in Honor of Robert J. Plemmons, USA (Winston-Salem, 1999)
  • Third Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Hungary (Visegrád, 1999)
  • The Third European Conference on Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Finland (Jyväskylä, 1999)
  • Conference on 3D Finite Element Methods, Finland (Jyväskylä, 2000)
  • NUMDIFF-9, Germany (Halle an der Sale, 2000)
  • IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Italy (Venice-Cavallino, 2001)
  • Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering Conference, The Netherlands (Eindhoven, 2002)
  • ENUMATH-2003, Czech Republic (Prague, 2003)
  • NUMDIFF-10, Germany, (Halle an der Saale, 2003)
  • ECMI conference, The Netherlands (Eindhoven, 2004)
  • Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Bulgaria (Sozopol, 2005)
  • Quantitative and Mathematical Finance Conference (Budapest, 2005)
  • UKRPROG'2006, Ukraine (Kiev, 2006)
  • 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications (NM&A'06), Bulgaria (Borovets, 2006)
  • 4th Conference on Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Aplpications, Bulgaria (Lozenetz, 2006)
  • NUMDIFF-11, Germany, (Halle an der Saale, 2006)
  • Encounters between discrete and continuous mathematics, Germany (Blaubeuren, 2008)
  • Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications (NAA'08), Bulgaria (Lozenetz, 2008)
  • NUMDIFF-12, Germany, (Halle an der Saale, 2009)
  • 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry konferencia. A kiállított poszter címe "Parameter estimation in a PEMFC model", France (Nice, 2010).
  • Innovative integrators Workshop, Austria (Innsbruck, 2010).
  • Conference on Simulation and Optimization, Hungary (Gyõr, 2011).
  • Basque-Hungarian Workshop on Numerical Methods for Large Systems, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain, April 2012.
  • Encounters Between Discrete and Continuous Mathematics Workshop on Dynamical Networks, Numerical Analysis and Ergodic Theory, Budapest, ELTE, 21-24. May, 2013.
  • The Third BCAM Workshop in Computational Mathematics, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain, 17-18. July, 2014.
  • The Second Basque-Hungarian Workshop on Numerical Methods for PDEs, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain, 12-13. January, 2015. (Member of the scientific committee.)
  • Bergen-Budapest Workshop on "Qualitative and Numerical Aspects of Mathematical Modelling", Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway May 29-30, 2017. (Member of the scientific committee.)
  • ECMI 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 18-22 June, 2018. (Organizer of the minisymposium "Qualitative properties of ordinary and partial differential equations and their numerical solutions".)
  • 2nd Bergen-Budapest Workshop on "Qualitative and Numerical Aspects of Mathematical Modelling", Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway May 27-28, 2019. Title of the presentation: On some qualitative properties of parabolic problems (Member of the scientific committee.)