2022. szeptember 01.
The online seminar on Formal Reaction Kinetics and Related Questions continues at the address https://meet.google.com/bgt-oqys-gme at 17 o'clock, Tuesdays. We start a few minutes before, and the talk starts a few minutes after 17:00 and ends before 19:00 (CET).
The first talks:
13th September Xiaoxian Tang, K Wang:
Hopf Bifurcations of Reaction Networks with Zero-One Stoichiometric Coefficients
20th September Murad Banaji (Part I) and
27th September Balázs Boros (Part II):
The smallest bimolecular mass-action reaction networks admitting Andronov-Hopf bifurcation
MSc and doctoral students may receive credits (by taking the course Reakciókinetikai szeninárium 1, BMETE92MX17) or a certificate on visiting the seminar.