Numerikus módszerek fizikusoknak (BMETE92MF00/T0 - 2018/19/1)

Kurzus típus: 
Órarendi információ: 

Sz 12:15-14:00 (H607)
Cs 12:15-14:00 (KF86)


  • All points have been uploaded to the Neptun system. The midterm marks will be calculated from these points, and will be uploded to Neptun within a few days.    
  • The continuation of the Numerical methods course (in Hungarian): Numerikus módszerek 2 - parciális differenciálegyenletek - A tervek szerint az előadás ideje K16, a laborgyakorlaté pedig CS14. A kurzus csak kétévente indul. A következő alkalom: 2018/19. II. félév. A két évvel ezelőtti kurzus honlapja alapján látható a tárgy tematikája és a követelményrendszer.  new! 
  • Matlab news (some parts in Hungarian) 
  • MSc thesis topics (in Hungarian)
  • Webpage of the Miklós Farkas Seminar on Applied Analysis - Thursdays from 10:15, the talks are in English on regular basis
  • BME has a TAH Matlab licence. Thus, Matlab is available for all students and teachers. The installation guide can be found at this inner link (in Hungarian).

Auxilary material for the course

The schedule of the lectures and computer labs:

Week Lecture (We12, Th12) Computer lab (We14 and Th14)
1. 03/09 

Wednesday: The requirements of the course. The topics of the course. Model construction and its necessity. Properly posed problems. Conditioning of a problem and of a computation. Error sources of a model. Thursday: Vector and matrix norms, spectral radius, relation between norms and eigenvalues, convergence speed of sequences

Special matrices. Matrix and vector norms.

Problems - week 1

2. 10/09

Wednesday: Floating point numbers and their properties Conrad Zuse - Computer history (video) Thursday: Conditioning of SLAEs, condition numbers of matrices, Gaussian method and its investigation.

Norms and eigenvalues, order of convergence. 

Problems - week 2 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 2

3. 17/09

Wednesday: LU decomposition. Performance of the Gaussian method. Pivoting. General LU decomposition. Thursday: University Sports Day - there are no lessons

Condition numbers and conditioning. Floating point numbers. Conditioning of linear systems. Gaussian method, LU decomposition.

Problems - weeks 3-4 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - weeks 3-4

Due to the University Sports Day, the computer lab on Thursday is cancelled.

4. 24/09

Wednesday: Dean's day - there are no lessons at the Faculty of Natural Sciences Thursday: $LDM^T$ decomposition, Cholesky decomposition. The left division command of Matlab. Iteration methods for SLAEs. Necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence. Error estimation with the Banach fixed point theorem. Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods.

Condition numbers and conditioning. Floating point numbers. Conditioning of linear systems. Gaussian method, LU decomposition.

Problems - weeks 3-4 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - weeks 3-4

Due to the Dean's Day, the computer lab on Wednesday is cancelled.

5. 01/10

Wednesday: Relaxation mehods. Conditions for the convergence. Introduction to the conjugate gradient method. Thursday: The conjugate gradient method.

Partial pivoting, general LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition, Classical iterative methods of linear systems.

Problems - week 5 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 5

6. 08/10

Wednesday: Householder reflection, Givens rotation, QR decomposition. Thursday:  Solution of over-determined systems. Eigenvalue problems: QR iteration for eigenvalue problems. Saturday: Eigenvalue problems: the power method and its different versions. This is an extra work day, which replaces a Monday (22 October). However, the teaching is organized according to the Thursday's schedule at BME.

Gradient methods, $QR$ decomposition with Householder reflections and Givens rotations. Over-determined systems.

Problems - week 6 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 6

Thursday's group has an extra computer lab on Saturday!

7. 15/10

Wednesday: Conditioning of eigenvalue problems. Solution of nonlinear equations: Localization of roots. Bisection method. Conditioning. Thursday:  Solution of nonlinear equations: Newton's method, fixed point iterations. 

Eigenvalue problems

Problems - week 7 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 7

8. 22/10 Wednesday: Solution of nonlinear systems, unconstrained numerical optimization. interpolation with polynomials. Lagrange interpolation. Thursday: Test I (Topic: from the beginning of the semester to the over-determined systems. Students are allowed to use one side of an A4 sheet with handwritten reminders, pens and calculator.)

Nonlinear equations

Problems - week 8 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 8

9. 29/10 Wednesday: Interpolation error. Interpolation on Chebyshev nodes. Thursday: All saints' day - there are no lessons.

No new problem sheet

Due to the All saints' day, the computer lab on Thursday is cancelled.

10. 05/11

Wednesday: Newton interpolation. Conditioning of interpolation. Hermite and spline interpolation. Thursday: Trigonometric interpolation.

Interpolation problems

Problems - week 10 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 10

11. 12/11 Wednesday: Scientific conference of students - there are no lessons. Thursday: Fast Fourier transform.

Trigonometric interpolation, numerical differentiation

Problems - week 11 (with homework assignments) - Matlab m-file - week 11

Due to the scientific conference of students the computer lab on Wednesday is cancelled.

12. 19/11 Wednesday: Numerical differentiation. Numerical integration with Newton-Cotes formulas. Thursday: Gauss quadrature.

Numerical integration, numerical solution of initial and boundary value problems

Problems - weeks 12-14 (with homework assignments - the last problem sheet of the semester) - Matlab m-file - weeks 12-14

13. 26/11 Wednesday: Introduction to the numerical solution of initial value problems. Thursday: Absolute stability, stiffness. No new problem sheet.
14. 03/12 Wednesday: Multistep methods. Boundary value problems. Thursday: Test II (Topic: from the solution of eigenvalue problems to the end of the semester. Students are allowed to use one side of an A4 sheet (the other side of the previous crib sheet) with handwritten reminders, pens and calculator.) No new problem sheet.

 Previous midterm tests with solutions (mostly in Hungarian) 

Useful links